Japan, Sendai Mission

Japan, Sendai Mission

Monday, June 24, 2013

June 22, 2013

On June 22, 2013 Sister Johnson wrote:

So, today is the last P-Day in the MTC! WOO-HOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously am so excited! We leave for Japan in less than 48 hours! :D Japan or bust!

This week has been a very strange whirlwind, but a good one, nonetheless. The best part of this week was that I got to see my very, VERY close friend, Rachel Townsend! Sister Townsend reported to the MTC this week, and she will be serving in the Phoenix Arizona mission! She is speaking english, so she will only be here for 12 total days, but it was so fantastic to see such a familiar face here, and to receive her hugs and kisses that I needed so much. She also brought me some Diet Coke and a Rockstar! That girl must love me to death! Haha! But all kidding aside, I am so grateful for loving friends and for the support that I feel from you all. Really, you have no idea the difference it makes, and has made as I've been here in the MTC. :)

This week, my district all got our Japanese missionary tags... except for me!!! :( Mine didn't come in the package, and I'm really sad. I hope that they will be waiting in Japan for me when I get there. So for now, I have to just stick to my English one. :( I'm trying not to let it stress me out too much. Hopefully all will be well with that!

I am very much looking forward to tomorrow here at the MTC. There is going to be a world-wide broadcast from here in Provo that will be all about missionary work! The Prophet, Thomas S. Monson, the rest of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church will be speaking to us and I have the great privilege of singing in the choir for the broadcast! I have never been in the same room has a Prophet of God, and I can't wait to stand with my fellow missionaries and sing, "We thank Thee, O God, for a prophet to guide us in these latter days!" President Monson is a fellow representative of Jesus Christ, and I am grateful to have the opportunity to stand with him and worship our lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

As I have been reflecting on my time here in the Missionary Training Center, lots of things come to mind. I think about how these last nine weeks have been the longest and hardest weeks of my existance. With the loss of two very dear and precious people in my life, my faith in the Savior, Jesus Christ, has never been tried and tested so vehemently. However, through the trials and hardships I've had here, and despite my faith being tested, I have never felt closer to Jesus Christ in my life. I have never so fully relied on His light to guide me in the darkness. I have never so fully placed my life in His hands, and my trust in His care. What a blessing this experience has been. Even though this place has been so difficult for me to bear, I know that I needed to come here for a reason. I know that the Lord has refined me and is continuing to shape me into the missionary that He needs me to be in Japan. I know that I was placed with Tuikolovatu Shimai here, so that we could serve each other and grow together in our faith in Christ. I am so thankful for her and her support, and I know that our companionship was divinely inspired. I know that the adventure I'm about to embark on will be one of the most dificult things I will ever have to do, but as a dear friend this week told me, "everything worth doing is hard, and if this isn't hard, it's not going to be worth it in the end." This will be difficult, but I know my Savior, Jesus Christ. I know He lives and that He loves me. I know that He will guide me in His paths if I allow Him to, and I know that He knows what is best for me, both in Japan, and when I return. I love Christ. For Him, I am so thankful.

Well, mina san! It's off to Japan I go! My next post will be from the land of the Rising Sun! I cannot wait.
Johnson Shimai

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, Lovely, Lovely young woman and testimony! :D You will be awesome....Look out Japan!!!
